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944 Views · 4 years ago

Awesome session I had back In 2018 with Aaron English / @Trampled_Aaron! It was one of two that year. Good times.

522 Views · 4 years ago

Met up with my good buddy, @coquifeet and got slaughtered under his sadistic, Puerto Rican feet for Independence day about a year ago today! And yes, I'm just now getting to editing footage, I have so fucking much of it in general. I think this is our... 2nd of 4 sessions we've had? He was in the 260 lbs / 117 kg range at the time of our meet. I was in brutal pain the whole time lmao.

552 Views · 4 years ago

Met up with an awesome dom from Recon that travels for work. Work ended up bringing him to Nashville. We met up at his hotel by the airport, and it was an amazing time

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